Barter Babes Throw Back

Ok. It's Throw Back Thursday. 5 years ago today was the very first day I started offering my financial planning advice in exchange for bartered good or service as part of the BARTER BABES PROJECT.

The goal was to give financial advice to 300 women in one year and charge no money at all for it. Back then, I thought this would be a year-long project. A pause from my Bay Street life. After this year, the community it created, the joy it gave me and the taste of entrepreneurship had me hooked... I knew I wasn't going to be able to go back to the 9 - 5.

The Barter Babes community was my springboard. A community of amazing women who gave me the courage to say no to the norm and strike out on my own with a vision of making financial planning fun, affordable and accessible. 5 years later - here we are. An amazing Fee-only practice in Toronto and the recent launch of DIY ONLINE FINANCIAL COURSES!

5 years ago today, I had one barter meeting set up and was worried that the project was going to be a total disaster and no one was ever going to participate. Boy was I wrong!

If you believe in something enough, and you're willing to put in the work, anything is possible.

So, Happy Throw Back Thursday to the BBP launch video - the first video I ever made and the start of a huge journey.

